Foam Conductivity

Conductivity of heat through foam occurs in 3 main modes: solid conduction, gas conduction and radiative, with a complex interrelationship between the different elements of the foam. Here you see how which modes make most impact depending on several foam parameters.


A big Thank You to prof. Steven Abbott for designing and developing the app.

Foam Conductivity

gas conductivity
kgas mW/mK
polymer conductivity
ksolid mW/mK
mass fraction in struts
foam density
ρFoam kg/m³
IR absorption coeff.
kabs cm-1
gas molecule size
dgas pm
Κ test temp.
T °C
polymer density
ρSolid kg/m³
foam expansion ρrel as % of solid density
X scale maxmimum
φmax μm
switch to
X-axis Linear
//One universal basic required here to get things going once loaded
window.onload = function () {
    //restoreDefaultValues(); //Un-comment this if you want to start with defaults

//Main() is hard wired as THE place to start calculating when inputs change
//It does no calculations itself, it merely sets them up, sends off variables, gets results and, if necessary, plots them.
function Main() {
    //Save settings every time you calculate, so they're always ready on a reload

    //Send all the inputs as a structured object
    //If you need to convert to, say, SI units, do it here!
    const inputs = {
        Kgas: sliders.SlideKgas.value, //keep in mW
//        rhorel: sliders.Sliderhorel.value,              
        Fdens: sliders.SlideFdens.value,
        Ksolid: sliders.SlideKsolid.value, //keep in mW
        kabs: sliders.Slidekabs.value * 100, //to m-1
        dgas: sliders.Slidedgas.value*1e-12, //from pm to m
        fs: sliders.Slidefs.value,
        //phiCell: sliders.SlidephiCell.value,
        T: sliders.SlideT.value + 273, //to K
        rhoSolid: sliders.SliderhoSolid.value,
        Asym: sliders.SlideAsym.value,
        phimax: sliders.Slidephimax.value,
        LinearPlot: document.getElementById('LinearPlot').checked,

    //Send inputs off to CalcIt where the names are instantly available
    //Get all the resonses as an object, result

    const result = CalcIt(inputs);

    //Set all the text box outputs
   // document.getElementById('phiStrut').value = result.phiStrut; 
    document.getElementById('rhorel').value = result.rhorel; 
   // document.getElementById('Solid').value = result.sInfo;
    //Do all relevant plots by calling plotIt - if there's no plot, nothing happens
    //plotIt is part of the app infrastructure in
    if (result.plots) {
        for (let i = 0; i < result.plots.length; i++) {
            plotIt(result.plots[i], result.canvas[i]);

    //You might have some other stuff to do here, but for most apps that's it for Main!

//Here's the app calculation
//The inputs are just the names provided - their order in the curly brackets is unimportant!
//By convention the input values are provided with the correct units within Main
function CalcIt({ Kgas,Ksolid,kabs,Fdens,dgas,fs,rhoSolid,Asym, T, phimax,LinearPlot }) {
    const g=2/3-fs/3
    const rhorel=Fdens/rhoSolid
    const Ks=g*Ksolid*rhorel*Math.sqrt(Asym)*(0.2060*T + 115.5811)/(0.2060*298 + 115.5811)
    Kgas*=(0.07411*T + 3.40294)/(0.07411*298 + 3.40294)
    const n=1+0.4*rhorel
    const kB=1.38e-23,SB=5.67e-8,xsi=1.64,ri2=n*n
    const P=100000 //Not bothering with variable T and P input
    const Lambda=kB*T/(1.414*Math.PI*dgas*dgas*P)
    const Kabs=kabs*rhorel
    const KN1=1.82E-02,	KN2=0.771646381,KN3=0.006352564,KN4=2121.269214
    //Output real foam density
    //const rhoFoam=rhorel*rhoSolid
    //Strut calcs in μm from Glicksman
    //const Lv=8.6/(phiCell*phiCell)
    //const a=Math.sqrt(fs*rhorel/(0.29*Lv))
    //const phiStrut=Math.sqrt(4*0.29/Math.PI*a*a)

    let phinm=10, inc=10,phi=0,Kn=0,Kg=0,Kr=0,Kt,N=0,KoverN=0,Kscat=0,HiTerm=0
    let pKs=[],pKg=[],pKr=[],pKt=[]
    while (phinm<=1000*phimax){ //nm steps for convenience
        //The crude fitting function
         //The Bernados formula
        //Need a T-dependent term for HiTerm
        const Tterm=25000*(1+(223-T)/20)
        HiTerm=phinm < Tterm?0:0.03*(phinm-Tterm)/1000*0.03/Math.max(rhorel,0.015) //An adhoc fix for high Kr at large cell sizes        
        //HiTerm=0.03*phinm/1000*0.03/Math.max(rhorel,0.015) //An adhoc fix for high Kr at large cell sizes

        if (phinm>=10*inc) inc*=10
//Now set up all the graphing data.
//We use the amazing Open Source Chart.js,
//A lot of the sophistication is addressed directly here
//But if you need something more, read the Chart.js documentation or search Stack Overflow
const plotData=[pKs,pKg,pKr,pKt]
const lineLabels=["Solid","Gas","Radiative","Total"]
const myColors=["gray","blue","orange","red"]

//Now set up all the graphing data detail by detail.
const prmap = {
    plotData: plotData, //An array of 1 or more datasets
    lineLabels: lineLabels, //An array of labels for each dataset
    colors: myColors, //An array of colors for each dataset
    hideLegend: false,
    borderWidth: [2, 2, 2 ,3],
    xLabel: 'φ&μm', //Label for the x axis, with an & to separate the units
    yLabel: 'K&mW/mK', //Label for the y axis, with an & to separate the units
    y2Label: null, //Label for the y2 axis, null if not needed
    yAxisL1R2: [], //Array to say which axis each dataset goes on. Blank=Left=1
    logX: !LinearPlot, //Is the x-axis in log form?
    xTicks: function(value, index, ticks) {if (value.toPrecision(2).includes("1") || value.toPrecision(2).includes("5")) {if (value>=1) {return value.toFixed(0)} else {return value.toPrecision(1)} } else {return ""}; },
    logY: false, //Is the y-axis in log form?
    yTicks: undefined, //We can define a tick function if we're being fancy
    legendPosition: 'top', //Where we want the legend - top, bottom, left, right
    xMinMax: [,], //Set min and max, e.g. [-10,100], leave one or both blank for auto
    yMinMax: [,], //Set min and max, e.g. [-10,100], leave one or both blank for auto
    y2MinMax: [,], //Set min and max, e.g. [-10,100], leave one or both blank for auto
    xSigFigs: 'P1', //These are the sig figs for the Tooltip readout. A wide choice!
    ySigFigs: 'F1', //F for Fixed, P for Precision, E for exponential

//Now we return everything - text boxes, plot and the name of the canvas, which is 'canvas' for a single plot
return {
    plots: [prmap],
    canvas: ['canvas'],
    //phiStrut: (phiStrut).toPrecision(2),
    rhorel: (rhorel*100).toFixed(2),

A typical insulating panel for a house or a refrigerator will be made from polyurethane (PU) foam containing a gas which might be air, CO2 or something like pentane (chloro/fluoro gases are very efficient but have obvious environmental downsides). Because gases are poor conductors, one essential is to have the lowest relative density `ρ_(rel)=ρ_(foam)/ρ_(solid)` which might be 0.025, which, for a PU with a solid density of 1200 kg/m³ means a foam of 30 kg/m³. Obviously a low ρrel is equivalent to a high porosity φ.

The thermal conductivity (in mw/mK) of the gas, kgas, varies from air ~26 through CO2~17 to the pentanes in the 10-12 range, so that's another input to the app. But the big way to reduce the conductivity is to trap the gas inside cells comparable to the mean free path of the gas (here we assume 298K and 1 atm pressure). In practice this means that foam cells below 1μm are less conductive. This leads to the idea that nano-foams (such as aerogels) will be the ultimate insulation. However, there are two big problems:

  1. It is very hard to make a high expansion foam (low ρrel) at these small cell sizes
  2. Radiative transfer of heat through the foam increases significantly below 1μm. This is because the MID-IR radiation of normal heat (black body radiation peaking at ~8 μm) is not scattered by small cells. So at least some of the gains from going to smaller cells are lost by this increase of radiative losses.

As there are no easy wins, the best approach is to manage the various properties as best you can, aiming to get the lowest overall conductivity while meeting targets for production throughput, cost, environment, etc. Although a simple app cannot capture all the complexity with precision, it is a good starting point for intelligent discussion.

The calculations

To see all these factors in action we start with the standard approach of Glicksman which tells us that the solid conductivity Ks is given by the following where, for low ρ foams that interest us, the factor g and the conductivity of the bulk solid is ksolid:


First, the Asymmetry term tells us that elongation in the rise direction increases the conductivity. This is because the heat has a more direct path through the struts. The standard assumption is that this is a square root effect, so if the cells are 2x longer in the rise direction then the conductivity is 1.4 higher.

What is "g"? For a solid it is 1 because the heat can flow straight from one side to another. For a highly porous foam it is 1/3 because most of the solid exists as struts (Plateau Borders) and on average only 1/3 of the struts conduct heat across the gap. For fairly porous foams the standard value is 2/3. An interesting paper2 from the Smith group at U Limoges covers cases including porous ceramics and other formulae such as Landauer or Hashin Shtrikman can be used, with Landauer giving exceptionally low conductivities at high porosities because the method assumes breaks in the conductive path (poor percolation). That paper calls the 1/3 case the Ashby formula. As the Landauer and H&S formulae package solid and gas into one value, irrespective of Knudsen effects, they aren't modelled here.

After trying various schemes the best seemed to be to use fs the fraction of the solid which is in the struts (rather than cell walls). So `g=2/3-f_s/3`, which, for a typical fs of 0.8 means that g=0.4

To calculate the conductivty of the gas we need first to calculate the Knudsen number KN which is the ratio of the gas mean path, Λ, to the cell size φ at pressure P and temperature T. Where kB is the Boltzmann constant, the mean path, which depends on the gas molecular diameter, dgas, is given by:


Typical values for dgas are: N2:364, CO2:330, Pentane: 500.

We now calculate KN:


And the conductivity through the gas, which has a bulk conductivity of kgas is given, using a constant ξ=1.64, by:


The radiative conductivity, Kr, is the well-known Rosseland equation based on an effective refractive index n (here assumed to be 1+0.4*rhorel), the Stefan-Bolzmann constant σ, T and an extinction coefficient ke,R:


Calculating ke,R

The extinction coefficient is a mixture of absorption, easily calculated from the average absorption coefficient in the mid IR, kabs as:


An obvious strategy to reduce radiative heat loss is to make the foam material more absorbing. The calculations of the radiative portion uses the work of Bernardo et al at Cellmat1. The Bernardo paper says that PU foam has an absorption coefficient of 600 cm-1 while something neutral like PE has a value of 140 cm-1. While it might sound easy to add something like carbon black or graphene oxide, in practice getting enough into the walls and struts of the foam to make a difference, while not messing up the foaming process, is rather hard.

In practice, most of the reduction of Mid-IR energy loss is via scattering, and the problem is that calculating this is some mixture of Rayleigh and Mie theory which needs some heavy computational resources. Fortunately the Bernardo paper helps us avoid all that. First, they found some experimental values over a range of cell sizes. Next, they provided the key insight that these values are a combination of the per-cell value ke,Rscat and the number of cells per unit distance, N, calculated as:


The paper found a fit for ke,Rscat/N (i.e. the per-cell value) as:


This works well in the sub-micron area of interest to the paper but doesn't asymptote to the "Mie limit" (which they are well aware of). This limit applies to the larger φ values of common commercial foams, meaning that the actual ke,Rscat falls at large φ because N is small. In the app I have used an alternative fitting function (you can find it in the code) which has an asymptote.

So now we have a total extinction coefficient, ke,R:


Examining data at more classical cell sizes (up to 100μm) it is clear that the formula underestimates the values. An ad hoc extra term has been added to give values that match the 2-4 mW/mK typically found in the literature in this range.

So all 3 conductivity terms are now known and you can play with the parameters to see how best to create a low total conductivity foam. Of course, even when you know what you want from the theory you still have the challenge of making it. But that's not a topic for this app.

Temperature Effects

A paper3 from a similar team from U Valladolid and CellMatt continued the work cited earlier and introduces some clever ideas to determine kabs and g using the change of conductivity with temperature (typically 27->30 mW/mK) over the range of 10->40°. Temperature affects solid, gas and radiative conductivities. The first is via the, say, 4% change in ksolid over that range, the second is the well-known ~10% change in kgas over that range and the third is the 1/T³ term in the radiative transfer. Using the paper's linear correlations for the thermal conductivities and scaling them to 25°C as the base value, the general effects, if not the precise details, are shown.

Bi-modal foams

A recent trend has been to explore the possibility of bi-modal foams, maybe achieving an optimum not attainable otherwise. Happily, another paper from the Bernardo team4 shows what is possible. To the level of accuracy of this app, making a simple weighted average of the values at two different cell sizes is acceptable. That paper was published before the one containing the radiative terms but it seems reasonable to me to continue to use the simple average. The app can always be updated if a more sophisticated approach is required.

1Victoria Bernardo, Judith Martin-de Leon, Javier Pinto, Ulrich Schade, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Perez, On the interaction of infrared radiation and nanocellular polymers: First experimental determination of the extinction coefficient, Colloids and Surfaces A 600 (2020) 124937

2David S. Smith, Arnaud Alzina, Julie Bourret,Benoît Nait-Ali, Fabienne Pennec, and Nicolas Tessier-Doyen, Thermal conductivity of porous materials, J. Mater. Res., 28, 2260-2272, 2013

3Ismael Sánchez-Calderón, Victoria Bernardo, Judith Martín-de-León, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Pérez, Thermal conductivity of low-density micro-and nanocellular poly(methyl-methacrylate) (PMMA): Experimental and modeling,Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110938

34Victoria Bernardo, Judith Martin-de Leon, Javier Pinto, Raquel Verdejo, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Perez, Modeling the heat transfer by conduction of nanocellular polymers with bimodal cellular structures, Polymer 160 (2019) 126-137